Views From The Journey

Views from the Journey

I was talking to a friend of mine since Glenville High about a myriad of subjects including working out. Freddie is into Tai Chi and has been practicing for years. Me, I’m into anything that will keep me in shape, including a stint of Taekwon-do.  We talked about quality of life, longevity, and that if you take care of yourself, the odds you will age gracefully increase 100%.

We also exchanged ideas we felt were helpful in our journey, like:

Not only loving yourself, but continually improving yourself.

Listening rather than talking/Being quiet rather than loud.

Adapting to change.

Understanding the mentality needed to handle getting your ass kicked in life whether it was your fault or not.

Learning how to chill.

Hanging with those of like mind and spirit.

Eating right.

Working out however you choose, but working out.

Ridding yourself of stressful situations, environments, and people.

Enhancing the internal rather than promoting the external. (Nothing wrong with showing off your attractive book cover, but the measure of a book is the content.)

Sharing what you learn with those who will follow.

This doesn’t cover the whole spectrum of our discussions. This was one of our conversations.

To be continued.

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James Everett Prewitt is an American award-winning novelist and former Army officer who served in the Vietnam War.

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